NWU female student at a podium in at the 律政司 in Washington D.C.


(402) 465-2110
传真 (402) 465-2537


The 国会山实习计划 (CHIP) connects Nebraska Wesleyan students to exciting internships only found in Washington, D.C.

  • Gain practical, direct experience working in a unique professional setting.
  • 在课堂和研讨会中获得最多15个学分.
  • Live in a Capitol Hill townhouse with fellow students who nurture and support your experience.
Marleigh Young sitting opposite a Justice Department employee surrounded by lights, 照相机和麦克风.


CHIP students have a unique opportunity to intern at government agencies, 非营利组织, 协会, 游说公司, 私营公司和立法机构, 行政和司法部门.

但找到合适的实习机会可能是一项挑战. As you explore internships that match your interests and skills, the CHIP director may help you:

  • 缩小可能性的范围
  • apply to those organizations that best fit your goals
  • 为候选人面试做准备
  • 决定哪个实习机会最适合你.
  • Bracewell, LLP)
  • 为世界提供面包
  • 烟酒枪械管理局
  • 欧洲政策分析中心
  • 公民气候游说团
  • D.C. 公设辩护律师服务
  • 塞拉俱乐部
  • 史密森学会
  • 美国最高法院
  • 白宫
  • U.S. 律政司
  • U.S. 国务院
  • U.S. 众议院
  • U.S. 参议院
  • 华盛顿表演艺术公司
  • 伍德罗·威尔逊故居
Faith Leiting standing in front of a door with a plaque that says Senator Deb Fischer, Nebraska..


A CHIP internship is an intensive learning experience. The 15-week program features a 32-hour workweek combined with an academic curriculum that enhances your Capitol Hill experience.

实习: 9学时

You’ll establish learning goals with your supervisor at the beginning of your internship. 你会在每周的日志中记录你的进步. At the end of your internship, you will submit a detailed report analyzing your experience.

研讨会: 3学时

Your internship seminar meets weekly to discuss current issues in Washington, D.C.,有各个领域的专家. You’ll explore a wide range of issues, organizations and career paths.

课程: 3学时

You’ll choose one of three courses taught at the 芯片的房子. Past courses have included topics on lobbying, Middle East politics, communications and culture.

Group of NWU students in front of the townhouse they live in while in D.C.


CHIP interns live in a red-brick, three-story townhouse in the heart of D.C. 芯片的房子距离国会大厦仅几步之遥, 参众两院办公室, 史密森尼学会, 联合车站和国会南地铁站, 还有数不清的餐馆, 商店和市场.

Interns enjoy a fully furnished living space with leisure seating, 电视, 梳妆台, 支付工具, 基本有线和WiFi. 芯片的房子提供亚麻布, 家庭用品, dishes and cookware as well as onsite laundry and a cleaning service for common areas.


  • Pay your regular tuition to NWU like any other semester. 你的NWU财政援助仍然完全适用.
  • 住房 is $3,500 for the semester with a $250 nonrefundable deposit due with your application.
  • 你负责伙食和交通.



  • 是北吴大学的本科生
  • 保持3.0的绩点
  • 完成POLSC-1000或POLSC-1010了吗.
A group of students standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial at night.


要申请该计划,请将您的完整的 芯片的应用 to 扎卡里·鲍曼 at zbaumann [at] teamsquirrelnut.com (zbaumann[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


  • 在就业中心的帮助下制作的简历
  • 你的非正式成绩单
  • 不可退还的250美元住房押金

在你提交申请之后, you’ll be contacted to schedule an interview with the CHIP review panel.

The application deadline for the fall semester is October 1.

The application deadline for the spring semester is March 15.


更多信息请十大网络娱乐平台排名 芯片的网站.

Or contact NWU’s CHIP coordinator, Assistant Professor of Political Science 扎卡里·鲍曼 at zbaumann [at] teamsquirrelnut.com (zbaumann[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu).


Samantha Mareno's ('18) internship with the Peace Corps in Washington D.C. led to an exciting position with the organization in Fiji. 多么独特的体验在等着你?


